Membre :
Numéro d'usager :


Présentation de l'Artiste Non Membre MDQ2111 inouie.


• Description :
Description de inouie
Ville : Montréal
Nationalité : Chinoise
Sexe : Femme
Age : 35 ans
Grandeur : 1,68m - 5'6"
Poitrine : 93cm - 33" B
Taille : 68cm - 27"
Hanches : 93cm - 37"
Poids : 52kg - 115lbs
Taille de vêtements : 2 ans
Pointure de souliers : 7
Couleur des yeux : Bruns
Cheveux : Longs et bruns
Langue usuelle : Anglais
Seconde langue : Français
Description : inouïe - (French) unprecedented, incredible, unheard-of, extraordinary This is the expression I aim to achieve in every collaboration. Every photographer needs a little Asian in their portfolio. Do YOU have some yet? ------------------------------------------------------------ Dear My Prospective Photographer/ Future Partner-in-Crime / Collaborator / Other Piece of My Puzzle, Photography has fascinated me through some absolutely stunning pieces of work I have had the pleasure of coming across and the talent I continually come across never ceases to amaze me. I'm here to meet passionate, crazy individuals and develop a full-range collection of beautiful personal pictures. My goal is to help you create the vision you conceived in your mind. We both know how ADDICTIVE photography is! Cheers, L y n n ------------------------------------------------------------ To help you see if I fit your concepts, I thought you should at least get to know me a little outside of my photos: 1) In cases of TFP/TFCD, I would like all the shots from the shoot on CD from which I will pick the ones I want in me book to be retouched. You can always pay me with funny jokes and socks - one can never have enough of either. 2) I always bring an escort. Call me cautious. This is can be avoided if Angela (below) is my MUA. 3) I have four extra holes - ear, ear, nose, and navel. 4) I understand how important time is to the both of us, so I dare you to catch me late! The time allocated to the shoot will have my complete focus. This is an expected mutual respect. 5) I'm planning to take over the world one smile at a time. 6) I prefer photographers who have a very clear vision and know how to direct me into portraying that. Don't tell me sit and pose and then expect it to end up the way you wanted. If I was that good, I'd charge you wink 7) I come with an endless supply of gummy bears. However, the deal is that I get all the green ones. 8) There's not enough Asian in the western photography world so I'm here to change that, remember Number 5? 9) I'm currently a political science student at McGill University. Small girl, ginormous dreams. 10) I'm a passionate, cheerful individual looking to work with other passionate, cheerful individuals. Does that sound like you? P.S. I LOVE PROPS. ** Je suis a l'aise en francais!

• Talents :
Talents complémentaires : Danseur(se)
Défilé de mode
Niveau d'expérience : Expérimenté(e)
Expériences : Perceptualist Photos x5
- Playground Shoot (Burnaby)
- Underwear Shoot
- Motorcycle Shoot (North Vancouver Waterfront)
- Bathing Suit Shoot
- Glamour Shoot

Greg Gabelmann x2
- Nature Shoot (Lost Lagoon)
- Fuchsia Shoot (Stanley Park)

Dave Low
- Bikini Shoot (Downtown Vancouver Studio)

Donald Law
- Motorcycle Night Shoot (Richmond Waterfront)

Gary Menten x2
- Military Costume Shoot (Dawson College)
- Beauty Shoot (Dawson College)

Elliot Berzan
- Lingerie Shoot (Hanna & Elita Lingerie Studio)

Never Ending Photography
- Graffiti Shoot (Second Narrows Bridge)

Alison Naimark
- Tangled in Blue Shoot (Dawson College)

Don Enright
- Book Cover Shoot (Downtown Robson)

Jason Tice
- Website Material Shoot (Sheraton)

Zoriko Productions
- Glamour Shoot (Central Library)

KueC Productions
- Fashion Shoot (Downtown Vancouver)

Cecilia Nguyen
- Personal Project (Sir Winston Churchill)
Agence(s) ou agent(s) : Non

• Intérêts :
Champs d'intérêts : Photos
Styles : Portrait, Mode, Sport (habillé)
Vêtements décontractés
Maillot de bain

• Travail :
Conditions en échange : Échange de photos en échange du travail (TFP).
Désire être rémunéré(e) seulement.
Désire un échange de photos en plus d'être rémunéré(e).
Prêt(e) à discuter des propositions.
Régions de déplacement : Montréal
Travail désiré :

• Contact :
Appel : Désolé, inouie doit être Membre pour pouvoir être contactée
mais il est possible de lui indiquer votre intérêt.
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